The mature ram and ewe weigh 22 and 21.1 kg respectively. The skin of Kattupakkam Red Sheep is preferred in tanning industry due to better gains in the finished leather. The meat of the strain is finely textured, tender with a pleasant meaty odour and flavour.
Performance | |
Birth weight | 2.67 kg |
6 month weight | 14.82 kg |
9 month weight | 20.35 kg |
12 month weight | 21.57 kg |
Tupping percentage | 87.66 % |
Lambing percentage | 85.93 % |
Achievement | |
Kidding percentage | 128.78 % |
Single percentage | 71.21 % |
Twinning percentage | 28.79 % |
Kattupakkam White Pig is a strain developed as a result of two decades of research by selective breeding. It is highly prolific, fast growing, easy to handle and has the capacity to produce two farrowings/sow/year. They are regular breeders and attain maturity at the age of 8 to 9 months.
Co-3 grass
Co-3 + Desmanthus
Gold Fish - Fan tail
Koi Carp
White Molly
Black MOlly