
தொலைநிலைக் கல்வி இயக்ககம்

முதுநிலைப் பட்டயப் படிப்புகள் - தொலைநிலைக் கல்வி


TANUVAS offers Postgraduate Diploma Courses of one year (2 semesters) duration through Distance Education mode from the academic year 2011-2012 onwards. Postgraduate Diploma Course (Distance Education-Online Mode) of one-year duration consists of two semesters. Each semester accounts for 110 working days with a contact class programme of 10 days’ duration.
The merit list of candidates for each course will be released based on the total marks obtained from Bachelor Degree, Professional Experience / Service, Medals/ Awards and Entrance Examination. Advertisement about the procedure for admission to PG Diploma courses are published through university website.


Advertisement about the courses offered are published through the university website www.tanuvas.ac.in and the Directorate of Distance Education website www.tanuvasdde.edu.in . The applications received from the candidates are scrutinized by a committee for selection of candidates. The selected candidates are informed about their admission through admission letters. The selected candidates shall appear in person on the first day of the first semester for registration of courses and orientation. Students will be allowed to register for the semester, only after payment of course fee.

Course Curriculum

The curriculum for each course has been designed by the concerned subject matter specialists identified by the university after many deliberations and evaluation by peer groups. There are Course Directors, Co-ordinators and Content Developers for each course. Practical sessions and individual hands are dealt during the contact class programme of each semester.

Content delivery / Learning strategy

Self Learning Materials in printed form are prepared and distributed to the candidates. Normally a course has been divided into 4-5 units; accordingly the course materials are prepared along with questions for individual units. Academic schedule for the diploma course are prepared and communicated to the Course Directors and candidates concerned. The unit assignments have to be submitted to the course directors as per the academic schedule.


The evaluation of distance programme shall be held as "Unit Based Assessment (UBA)", "Comprehensive Course Assignment (CCA)", "Final Theory Examination (FTE)" and "Comprehensive Skill Evaluation (CSE)". There will be a comprehensive course assignment for every course. The topic will be decided by the course coordinator. Final theory examination for each course will be held during the contact class programme. The question paper will be set by the external examiner. The comprehensive skill evaluation (practicals) will be held for all the courses in a semester during the last three days of the contact programme. Log book / records are to be maintained by the students for each course. At the end of the second semester, the requirements include a case study report / project report in the respective area of specialisation, which will be evaluated. For pass in a course, every candidate shall get a minimum of 60% in every Unit Based Assessment and FTE in a course. Besides, a minimum of 60% is required in CCA and CSE. The successful candidates after completion of diploma requirements shall be graded, based on overall percentage of marks obtained in all the courses of the diploma programme as follows:

  • 60-74% - Second Class,
  • 75-89% - First Class,
  • 90 & above - Distinction.

Post-Graduate Diploma (Distance Mode) Programmes Courses Offered

S. No. Name of the Course Eligibility No. of Seats Location Course fee (Rs.)
For Veterinary Science Graduates
1. Regenerative Medicine (PGDRM) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
2. Small Animal Diagnostic Ultrasound (PGDDUS) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 20 MVC, Chennai 10 50,000/-
VC&RI, Namakkal 05
VC&RI, Orathanadu 05
3. Small Animal Dermatology (PGDSAD) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
4. Bovine Infertility and its Management (PGDBIM) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
5. Wild Animal Disease Management (PGDWADM) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
6. Zoonoses (PGDZ) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
7. Veterinary Clinical Laboratory Diagnosis (PGDVCLD) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
8. Animal Health Economics (PGDAHE) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
9. Veterinary Endoscopy (PGDVEN) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 VC&RI, Namakkal 40,000/-
10 Laboratory Animal Science (PGDLAS) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 20 DCAHS, Chennai 40,000/-
11. Large Animal Reproductive Ultrasound Diagnostics (PGDLRU) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 VC&RI, Orathanadu 40,000/-
12. Ethno Veterinary Practices (PGDEVP) B.V.Sc. / B.V.Sc. & AH 10 VC&RI, Orathanadu 20,000/-
For Veterinary and other Sciences Graduates
13. Advanced Reproductive Biotechnology in Animal Models(PGDARB) B.V.Sc./ B.V.Sc. and AH/MBBS/ M.Sc. Life Sciences or any other relevant disciplines 10 MVC, Chennai 40,000/-
14. Animal Welfare (PGDAW) Any Degree 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
15. Bio-informatics (PGDBI) B.V.Sc./B.V.Sc.&A.H.,B.F.Sc., B.Sc.(Agri.), B.Sc.(Horti.), B.E., M.B.B.S., B.D.S., or any postgraduate degree 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
16. Applied Biostatistics (PGDABS) Any Degree in Life Sciences / Engineering Sciences 15 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
17. Meat Technology and Quality Assurance of Meat and Meat Products (PGDQAMP) B.V.Sc/B.V.Sc.& A.H. Bachelor?s Degree in Food Science/ Food Technology /Life sciences 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
18. Farm Waste Management (PGDFWM) Any Degree in Life Sciences 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
19. Forage production and Pasture management (PGDFPM) Any Degree in Life Sciences 10 MVC, Chennai 20,000/-
20. Dairy Processing and Quality Assurance(PGDDPQA) B.V.Sc.&AH/B.Tech Food Processing Technology/ / B.Sc DairyScience/ B.Sc (Agri) / or any other related disciplines. 10 VC&RI, Namakkal 20,000/-
21. Feed Manufacturing Technology (PGDFMT) B.V.Sc./B.V.Sc.&AH./ B.E (Agri)/ B.F.Sc./ B.Sc (Life sciences) 15 VC&RI, Namakkal 05 20,000/-
CPPM, Hosur 05
22. Commercial Poultry Production and Management (PGDCPPM) Any Degree in Life Sciences 15 VC&RI, Namakkal 05 20,000/-