

Genesis and Growth

The Madras Veterinary College (MVC), the oldest of the constituent units of TANUVAS, was started as an equine treatment school with five students in a temporary structure at Saidapet, Chennai in 1903. It is one of the oldest veterinary schools in the country. Since inception, the college started growing in stature and is now recognized as a premier veterinary institute in the country and world over. The Madras Veterinary College was started on 1st October 1903 in a rented building (Dubbin Hall) as Government Veterinary Institute with five departments, three staff and 20 students. Initially three-year Diploma programme – GMVC was offered.

This college was affiliated to the University of Madras in 1935 and started to offer the B.V.Sc. degree from the academic year 1936-37 for the first time in India. The college was upgraded as Southern Regional Centre for Post Graduate Research and Education in 1958 and started to offer M.V.Sc. degree in various subjects. The college and certain research stations were merged to form a separate Directorate of Veterinary Education and Research in 1969, later they became the constituent units of Tamil Nadu Agriculture University in the year 1976. In 1989, this institute has become the constituent of India's first Veterinary University, the TANUVAS.

  • The Indian Council of Agriculture Research accredited the college in the year 2001.
  • The college has been recognised as a training centre for APHCA countries and the Department of Animal Biotechnology has been recognised as Centre of Excellence for Disease Diagnosis.
  • The progress of the institution is remarkable in all fields of development, including the output of quality graduates, overall development of infrastructure for teaching, research and extension, and release of technologies for the benefit of livestock industry and farming community.

The college is located at Vepery near Chennai Central in nearly 6 ha. of land. The main administrative block is a heritage building built on the Indo- Saracenic architecture, that currently houses the Dean's office and the education cell. Besides, there are nine blocks of buildings, housing various departments with excellent facilities for education, research and extension.


Though a college may possess state of the art infrastructure, quality education is possible only by the presence of qualified, dedicated teaching faculty. Madras Veterinary College is enriched by the availability of the most number of teachers when compared to any other veterinary college in the country. Most of the teachers possess Doctoral degree and many of them are trained in National and Foreign laboratories.

Further Information, Contact:

The Dean, Madras Veterinary College,
Chennai - 600 007, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: +91-44-25304000; Fax: +91-44-25362787

Faculty in position

  • Professors - 42
  • Associate Professors - 4
  • Assistant Professors - 41