The Faculty of Basic Sciences of TANUVAS that completed it’s 25 years of existence with excellence was started as a unique faculty among SAUs in the year 1996, encompassing five distinctive disciplines (Departments), viz., Animal Biotechnology, Animal Husbandry Economics, Animal Husbandry Statistics and Computer Applications, Wildlife Science and Agronomy.
The Dean of the Faculty ensures the Departments to undertake teaching, research and extension education as recommended by the Academic Council, Research Council and Extension Education Council. The courses and subjects of study under the Faculty shall be as prescribed from time to time by the Academic Council in consultation with the Board of Studies of Faculty of Basic Sciences.
Currently, Four MVSc programmes, viz., Veterinary Biotechnology, Animal Husbandry Economics, Biostatistics and Wildlife Science are being offered under this faculty. In addition, the faculty also offers PhD in the Disciplines of Veterinary Biotechnology, Animal Husbandry Economics, Wildlife Science, and Biotechnology (for Biology Scholars). Further, a number of Post-Graduate Diploma programmes are also offered by the Departments of this Faculty, through the Directorate of Distance Education. The Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences also serves as Chairman for IAEC and IBSC pertaining to Madras Veterinary college.
Despite being a small faculty in its size, it seized many a first, innovative and imaginative research and development projects that culminated this faculty being inevitable even on daily basis. The Departments of Basic Sciences Faculty work with industry, government, and academic and research institutions - both nationally and internationally - to execute innovative and need based research in frontier areas of animal science, environment, forage, IT applications and related fields.
Our research contributes to the innovation of new technologies for environmental sustainability, rural development and bio resource innovation, supporting livestock and veterinary sciences. Besides our extensive, state-of-the-art laboratories, we have a number of research facilities unique to a Veterinary University, including a NABL-accredited rabies laboratory, an online testing centre and many peripheral research facilities.
Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences, TANUVAS,
Madras Veterinary College Campus,
Vepery, Chennai-600007, Tamil Nadu, INDIA.
Phone: +91-44-25389198