

Genesis and Growth

Indian Poultry Industry is one of the fastest growing segments of agricultural sector. India is the world's third largest egg producer and the fourth largest producer of broiler chicken. Livestock contribute about 16% to the income of small farm households. Poultry population increased substantially by 16.8% to about 851.81 million in this period with significant increase in backyard poultry by 45.8 per cent (BAHS, 2020). Number of households and household enterprises owning backyard poultry is nearly 24 million. Total egg production during the year 2019-20 is 114.38 billion numbers and it has increased by 10.19% over the previous year. The poultry meat production is 4.3 million metric tonnes in 2019-20 which is around 50.5% of total meat production, has increased by 6.93% over the previous year (A glimpse of Animal Husbandry statistics, 2021). India has exported 320,240.46 MT of Poultry products to the world for the worth of Rs. 529.81 Crores during the year 2021-22.

Tamil Nadu is a leading state in poultry meat production with 427.53 thousand tonnes in 2016-17 which accounts for 12.34 percent of the total poultry meat production of the country. Similarly, Tamil Nadu ranks second in the country's egg production with a production of 16.68 billion eggs in 2016-17 and contributes 18.20 percent of the country's total egg production (APEDA). A very significant feature of Indian poultry industry is its transformation from a mere backyard activity into a major commercial activity with adoption of Mechanization, Computerization and Automation in the Poultry Production Technology. Thus, today’s Poultry Industry needs skilled Human resource having adequate knowledge on Poultry Production, Engineering and Processing Technology for its sustainability and further growth.

To meet out the technical man power demand of the Poultry Industry, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University started the College of Poultry Production and Management at Hosur during the year 2011-12 vide G.O. Ms. No. 81, Animal Husbandry & Fisheries Dept., Govt. of Tamil Nadu on 08.08.2011. The College of Poultry Production and Management is established in 80 acres of land at Mathigiri, Hosur and offers B.Tech (Poultry Technology), an unique course first of its kind in India with an annual intake capacity of 40 students, which will deal exclusively with Poultry Production Technologies, Poultry Engineeringand Poultry Meat and Egg Processing technologies including Poultry Business Management. The B.Tech., (Poultry Technology) program is a 4 years course offered in 8 semesters.All the passed out graduateswere placed in renowned poultry production organizations including MNC companies during their campus placement.


  • To establish an ultimate world class institute to cater to all needs of poultry industry


  • To produce technocrats with sound skills in Poultry Engineering, Management and Technology
  • Establishment of suitable infrastructure for Poultry oriented Research, Education and Industry linkage
  • Empowering the human resources to meet the changing need of the Poultry Industry
  • Ensuring diversified poultry to be an alternative and viable enterprise to the farming community.


  • To offer academic programmes of Excellence in Poultry Production, Engineering, Management and Technology
  • To create strong inter and intra linkages between entrepreneurs of Poultry Industry and the Institute through Technology dissemination and adoption


The college possess state of art infrastructure the quality education is possible only in the presence of experienced, devoted teaching faculty. College of poultry Production and Management is enriched by the availability of teacher with a ratio of one teacher for every 9 students.

  • Professors - 2
  • Associate Professors - 4
  • Assistant Professors - 5

Further Information, Contact:

Dean, College of Poultry Production and Management,
Hosur - 635 110, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: +91-4344-295162; Mobile:+91-9444227466; +91-9940178909
E-mail: deancppm@tanuvas.org.in