Veterinary College and Research Institute at Udumalpet was established on 18.08.2020 as a constituent college of the Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University as per GO. (MS) No.96 dated 18.08.2020 of the Principal Secretary to Government of Tamil Nadu in order to improve the animal wealth in the western region of Tamil Nadu.
The Government Order issued by the Government of Tamil Nadu for establishment of Veterinary College and Research Institute, Udumalpet, is as follows:
Our aim is to be a pioneering institution incorporating best practices in providing quality education, pursuing field-oriented research and dissemination of latest technologies to the farmers for enhanced productivity.
To impart quality education through tech-based instruction to the students, performing field oriented and advanced research in the field of Veterinary and animal sciences and to transfer the innovative technologies to the rural farmers based on the perceived needs in association with line departments and other partnering organisations.
Dr.C.MANIVANNAN Dean, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Udumalpet - 642205, Tamil Nadu, INDIA. Phone: +91-4252-295399 E-mail: