Veterinary Clinical Complex was established at Veterinary College and Research Institute, Theni in the year 2020.
The following are the proposed objectives:
Monday to Friday: 08:00 AM – 1:00 PM
Saturday, Sunday and All Government Holidays: 08:00 AM – 11:30 AM
Veterinary Clinical Complex is providing clinical services covering Medicine, Surgery and Gynaecological and Obstetrical cases for the farmers of Theni and nearby districts.
Abdominal and Reproductive ultrasonography in cows, dogs and goats are being carried out to diagnose various gastrointestinal problems, hepatic problems, urinary problems, early pregnancy, various infertility problems and to study follicular dynamics.
Various small animal surgical procedures are being performed on scheduled basis.
A clinical lab with the facilities to handle clinical samples and to carry out basic diagnostic works is established.
As per the MSVE 2016 regulations prescribed by VCI, the following course is being offered to the undergraduate students:
S.No | Name of the project | Name of the Co-ordinator | Budget | Ongoing/ Completed |
1 | ICAR funded Scheduled Caste Sub Plan Project – 2020-2021 for Veterinary Type Culture Network Project Scheme | Dr. R. Uma Rani | Rs. 1,50,000/- | Ongoing |
1) Dr. R. Uma Rani, Ph.D. (Veterinary Surgery and Radiology), Professor and Head
2) Dr. V.Sureshkumar, Ph.D. (Veterinary Pharmacology and Toxicology), Associate Professor
3) Dr. K. Padmanath, Ph.D. (Veterinary Biochemistry) , Assistant Professor
4) Dr. R. Arun, M.V.Sc. (Animal Reproduction, Obstetrics and Gynaecology), Assistant Professor
5) Dr. V. Naveenkumar, Ph.D. (Veterinary Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine), Assistant Professor
6) Dr. R. B.Vishnurahav, Ph.D. (Veterinary Clinical Medicine, Ethics and Jurisprudence), Assistant Professor
7) Dr. C. Sowbharenya, Ph.D. (Veterinary Surgery and Radiology), Assistant Professor
8) Dr. K. Arulanandam, M.V.Sc. (Veterinary Pathology), Assistant Professor
The Professor and Head,
Veterinary Clinical Complex,
Veterinary College and Research Institute,
Theni – 625 602.