Directorate of Extension Education

Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, Thanjavur


Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, Thanjavur was established in the year 1984 (05.05.1984) and located at the campus of Thanjavur District Co-operative Milk Producers Union Limited (Aavin), Naanjikottai Road, Thanjavur. Later, a new building was established under the Part II Scheme -"Establishment of Ethno Veterinary Herbal Research and Training Unit for Livestock Health Care" at Veterinary University Training And Research Centre, Thanjavur at the National Highway 67, (Trichy – Thanjavur) next to Pillaiyarpatti bus stop in the year 2011 Now, the present building is in operation since, 03.10.2011.


  • Transfer of livestock and poultry related technologies including natural resources management through front line extension / change agents
  • Strengthening livestock and poultry research – extension linkage for developing need specific technologies
  • Promotion of livestock production eco-system through TANVUAS / entrepreneurs for sustaining livestock based livelihoods


  • Livestock & poultry keepers / farmers
  • Livestock & poultry entrepreneurs / business persons
  • Input suppliers for livestock & poultry farming such as breeders, brokers, feed suppliers, equipment suppliers, incubators / hatchery suppliers, cage and hardware suppliers, etc.
  • Input suppliers for value addition such as dairy and meat equipment and machinery suppliers, cold storage and other logistics providers, etc.
  • Input suppliers for veterinary heath care such as veterinary drug suppliers, vaccines suppliers, etc.
  • Veterinary health care service provides such as veterinarians, para-veterinarians, etc.
  • Representatives of farmers / producers group, self help groups, etc.
  • Seekers of bankable projects to apply bank loans for livestock farming
  • TSeekers of self employment / skill development courses in livestock and poultry farming.


  • On-campus training: Livestock keepers are offered two on-campus training every month on dairy, sheep, goat, pig, rabbit, chicken and quail farming in rotation. The messages of conduction of trainings are disseminated through All India radio (AIR) – Trichy, AIR-Karaikal, AIR-Kodaikanal, daily newspapaers, social media, etc. On average 25-30 people attend this training.
  • Off-campus training: Every month, two off-campus trainings are conducted especially in remote villages where the people get less access to the centre. On average 25-30 people attend this training.
  • Training for paraveterinarians / veterinarians: Trainings for paravets / field vets are conducted on need basis once in every six months.
  • Vocational / self-employment / skill development courses: Courses are conducted for interested people on livestock farming, value addition and marketing of livestock products. The applications in this connection are invited throughout the years and processed through the Directorate of Distance Education (DDE), TANUVAS, Chennai. The fee structure followed is as per the TANUVAS norms. The list of courses offered at this centre and its details are given in annexure II.
  • Participation in exhibitions: VUTRC, Thanjavur actively participates in exhibitions to popularize the university technology and improved management practices of livestock and poultry farming among the livestock keepers.
  • Conducting exposure visits: People are taken to nearby government and private farms to get the direct exposure and interaction with experts / progressive farmers. This is done as a part of special training programmes / paid training programmes.
  • Farm visits and consultations: The service of field visits and consultations are offered on demand basis. The charges for this service is Rs. 100/- per visit.
  • Organization of front line demonstrations (FLDs): VUTRC, Thanjavur organizes on-site demonstration of validated technology / improved management practices in order to inspire more and more people to take up the respective technology / package of practices for better production.
  • Post-mortem examinations: On need basis post mortem and consultations services offered for poultry. The charge for this service is Rs. 20/- per bird.
  • Sample collection & Disease investigation: Upon invitation from livestock keeper, VUTRC, Thanjavur offers the services of disease investigation and consultations during disease outbreaks.
  • Establishment of Farmers Producers Organizations (FPOs): VUTRC, Thanjavur encourages and act as catalyst in establishment of FPOs in livestock sector. It offers technical training to all the members of FPOs on need basis.
  • Observance of some important special days: Important days viz. world tuberculosis day, world environment day, world rabies day, world egg day, National milk day, National farmers’ day are observed every year. As a part of observation special events such as farmers meet, input distributions, awareness programmes are conducted according to the theme of the observations.
  • Issuing Bankable Project Report: VUTRC, Thanjavur issues bankable project reports to farmers for applying livestock farming loans in banks. The charge for getting the bankable project is 0.25% of the total cost of project.
  • Sale of TANUVAS Products: VUTRC, Thanjavur sells TANUVAS publications, fodder seeds / seedlings / mineral mixtures, etc. to livestock keepers.


  • Conduction of on-farm trials (OFTs): VUTRC, Thanjavur conducts the field trail of new technologies / methods developed in the University for on-farm validation in the field. Subsequently, field performance or results are communicated back to the university either to fine tune the technology concerned or to release technology for public use.
  • Carrying out the applied research: Based on the problems / issues identified locally, the appropriate research proposals are prepared and submitted for getting the grand from various funding agencies of private, state and union governments. The appropriate solutions are drawn from results and outcome of project to solve the identified problems.


Name of the Faculty Designation E-mail Mobile#
Dr. K. Jagadeesan Assistant Professor and Head | +91-9566082013

Assistant Professor and Head,
Veterinary University Training and Research Centre,
Pillaiyarpatti Post, Thanjavur – 613 403
Tel.: : 04362 – 264665