Directorate of Extension Education

Veterinary University Training and Research Centre, Rajapalayam


The Poultry Research and Development Centre (PRDC), Rajapalayam which came into operation on 13.11.1980 was renamed as Veterinary University Training and Research Centre (VUTRC) after the formation of TANUVAS.



  • Transfer of livestock and poultry related technologies including natural resources management through front line extension / change agents
  • Strengthening livestock and poultry research – extension linkage for developing need specific technologies
  • Promotion of livestock production eco-system through TANVUAS / entrepreneurs for sustaining livestock based livelihoods

Services Offered

Activities and Services

S.No Title
1 Offering free training for Livestock and Poultry rearing
2 Offering Self-employment and Skill development courses on payment mode
3 Sale of TANUVAS publications, Fodder seeds and Mineral mixture
4 Conducting Post Mortem for Livestock, Poultry and Wild animals
5 Preparation of bankable projects

Transfer of Technology & Service - Cost

Sl.No Title Price (In Rupees)
1 Desmanthus seeds (Per Kg) 550.00
2 Co.Fs-29 (Per Kg) 410.00
3 TANUVAS Mineral Mixture (Per Kg) 65.00
4 Post Mortem (Per animal/bird) Poultry - 20.00 Livestock - 100.00 Wild animal - 500.00
5 Project Report 0.25 % of the total project cost
6 Farm visit 500.00 per visit


Name of the Faculty Designation E-mail Mobile#
Dr. V. Palanichamy Professor and Head +91-9443102139
Dr. M.S. Murugan Assistant Professor +91-9489950555

Professor and Head,
Veterinary University Training and Research Centre,
16A, Annamaraja Nagar, Opp. New Bus Stand, Rajapalayam-626 117.
Tel.: +91-4563-220244.