

Department of Livestock Products Technology

The Department of Livestock Products Technology, Veterinary College and Research Institute, Salem was established during February 2021 as Meat Science block (13396.20 and Dairy science block (14417.72 as per the norms of Veterinary Council of India (VCI) with an aim and objective of disseminating knowledge about hygienic meat and milk production, utilization of milk by-products, preparation of value added indigenous as well as western milk products, hygienic slaughter, dressing of food animals, preparation of value added meat products, utilization of slaughterhouse by–products for the under graduate course offered and as well as to carry out basic and applied research in the field of Livestock Products Technology.
This department has modern slaughter halls for poultry, small animals and large animals to carry out hygienic meat processing, along with modern meat examination laboratory and facilities for value addition of meat and meat products. This department has hygienic milk processing facilities along with research laboratory.


  • To impart quality education to the Under Graduate students in Livestock Products Technology
  • To undertake field-oriented research programmes pertaining to livestock products
  • To develop value added, shelf stable and functional meat and dairy products
  • To provide advanced diagnostic facilities for livestock and pet animals
  • To conduct meat and dairy entrepreneurship development programmes on processing and value addition of livestock products


As per the new Veterinary Council of India Regulation, the department is offering the following courses to the B.V.Sc & A.H students:

  • Unit 1: Milk and Milk Products Technology
  • Unit 2: Wool Science
  • Unit 3: Abattoir Practices and Animal by-Products Technology
  • Unit 4: Meat Science

Infrastructure and facilities

  • Slaughter facility for poultry, small and large animals and meat processing unit
  • Meat processing and examination laboratory with modern meat processing equipment
  • Dairy technology laboratory with modern quality control equipment
  • Milk and meat microbiology laboratory

Major Equipment available

  • Abbe Refractometer
  • Autoclave
  • Balance for weighing birds
  • Butchering sets (knives etc.)
  • Deep freezer
  • Electronic monopan balance
  • Impulse sealer
  • Food processor
  • Hot air oven
  • Hot water bath
  • Meat mincing machine
  • pH meter digital
  • Refrigerator
  • Sausage filler
  • Small animal balance
  • Student microscope
  • Electrical Stunning device
  • Bleeding cone
  • Scalding Tank
  • Defeathering machine
  • Evisceration Table
  • Portioning machine
  • Ermascope
  • Spherometer
  • Captive bolt pistol
  • Butter churners
  • Butyrometer
  • Gerber’s centrifuge
  • Lactometer
  • Cream separator


Name and Designation E-mail Mobile#
Dr. D. Santhi
Associate Professor and Head +91-9841027633
Dr. A.S. Sobana
Assistant Professor +91-9786085016
Dr. B. Karthik
Assistant Professor +91-9994014246

The Associate Professor and Head,
Dept. of Veterinary and Animal Husbandry Extension Education,
Veterinary College and Research Institute,
Thalaivasal Koot Road, Near Nathakarai Toll Plaza,
Salem - 636 112, Tamil Nadu, India.
Phone: +91-4282-290998