


The Central University Laboratory was started in the year 1993. This laboratory is unique in the whole country, wherein all disciplines of animal health diagnosis are available under one roof to the farming community, animal product exporter and government agencies.


To serve as a regional diagnostic laboratory for animal diseases in the state of Tamil Nadu and to conduct research on fundamental and applied aspects of animal diseases and to demonstrate, how the new knowledge would improve the health and productivity of the animals.


  • To establish centralized Animal Disease Diagnostic facilities under one roof.
  • To coordinate with line department in monitoring animal health and disease surveillance
  • To produce and supply diagnostic reagents and biologicals to the line department on need basis
  • To investigate animal disease and monitor health in University Farms
  • To provide Anthrax Free health certificate to exporters
  • To educate, create awareness and provide expert guidance to control livestock and poultry disease problems to the farmers
  • To provide need based short term training on animal disease diagnosis

Services Offered

Rates (Rs.) for Sample Testing - Virology

S. No. Name of the Test Rate (Rs.)/ Sample (Excl. GST)
1. Polymerase chain Reaction (PCR) for DNA virus 750
2. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) 1000
3. qPCR (SYBR green based) 1000
4. qRT-PCR (SYBR green based) 1500
5. Health certificate for capripox 1500
6. HA and HI test 20
7. Virus isolation in Eggs (3 passages) 2000
8. Virus isolation in Tissue culture (3 passages) 5000
9 Counter Immuno electrophoresis 50
10. Fluorescent antibody technique/Immuno Peroxidence test 1000
11. Multiplex PCR for detecting canine viral pathogens (Panel 1)
1. Canine Parvo Virus
2. Canine Circo Virus
3. Canine Adeno Virus (CAV)
12. Multiplex PCR for detecting canine viral pathogens (Panel 2)
1. Canine Distemper Virus
2. Canine enterogenic corona virus

Rates (Rs.) for Sample Testing - Parasitology

S. No. Name of the test Rate (Rs.)/ Sample (Excl. GST)
1. Blood smear examination for parasites 50
2. Dung/ Faeces examination 50
3. Nasal washings 50
4. Examination of Scrapings 50
5. Identification of worms and other parasites 100
6. Quantitative examination of faeces/dung 100
7 PCR for Parasite species 500

Rates (Rs.) for Sample Testing - Bacteriology

S. No. Name of the Test Rate (Rs.)/ Sample (Excl. GST)
1 Isolation and identification of bacteria/ fungi by conventional method 500
2 Isolation and identification of bacteria/ fungi by PCR 750
3 Molecular detection of bacteria/fungi in tissue material 750
4 Total bacterial count in feed/ environment 500
5 Total bacterial count in water 250
6 Coliform count in water 250
7 Coliform count in environment/ feed 500
8 Antimicrobial sensitivity test 500
9 Tuberculin test Rs.50/- for each test for screening sheep and goat of university and government farms. Rs.100/- for screening cattle of private /university / government farms and sheep and goat of private farms.
10 Johnin test
11 Biological test involving poultry 600/test
12 Biological test involving Guinea pigs and Rabbits 1000/test
13 Biological test involving mice and rats 400/test
14 Isolation and identification of anthrax by PCR for animal products and by-products to issue health certificates (import or export) without using BSL-3 lab 1500
15 Animal inoculation in mice to issue health certificate for anthrax (import or export) using BSL-3 lab 3000
16 Auto vaccine preparation 1000 for isolation and additional charge of Rs.5/dose
17 Microscopical examination of smears for Bacteria 50
18 Plate agglutination test 50
19 Multiplex PCR for detecting bacterial pathogens (Panel 2)
1. Salmonella spp.
2. E.coli
3. Campylobacter spp
4. Clostridium spp.

Rates (Rs.) for Sample Testing - Pathology

S. No. Name of the test Rate (Rs.) (Excl. GST)
Large/ Commercial farms Small/ ** Marginal farmers
1. Postmortem examination -Poultry Rs.250/ bird Rs.75/ bird
2. Postmortem examination of emu or ostrich Rs.500/ bird Rs.500/ bird
3. Postmortem examination of pet birds Rs.250/ bird Rs.100/ bird
4. Post mortem examination of small animas - dogs, cats, pig, sheep, goat, calf, etc. Rs.300 Rs.200/ bird
5. Post mortem examination of large animals excluding race horses Rs.2000 Rs.1000/ animal
6. Post mortem examination of Laboratory animals (including rabbit, rat, mice, guinea pig etc.) Rs.100 Rs.50/ animal
7. Histopathology Rs.250/ tissue Rs.200/ tissue
8. Histopathology - slide interpretation only (outsiders) Rs.100/ slide
9 Digital microphotography Rs.50/ photo
10. Haematology(Single test) Complete Blood count Rs.200/ sample Rs.75/ sample
11. Serum biochemical test Rs.100/ sample/ test Rs.50/ sample/ test
12. Urine analysis Rs.100/ sample/ test Rs.50/ sample/ test
** rate recommended for small farmers having less than 25 Numbers of poultry/10 Numbers of sheep and goat and 5 Numbers of cattle

Disease Investigation

S. No. Name of the test Rate (Rs.) (Excl. GST)
1. Outstation disease investigation - Poultry farm (Stock less than 100) Rs.500
2. Outstation disease investigation - Poultry farm (Stock 1000 to 10,000) Rs.2000
3. Outstation disease investigation - livestock farm (mixed farm) Rs.2000
4. Outstation disease investigation - Commercial organization -hatcheries, race course, clubs, poultry farmers having stock 10,000 and above Rs.4000

Following Information to be sent along with samples

Particulars Details
Name and address of the owner / farm
Kind of farm
Kind of specimen
Test requested
Fees paid by cash/ cheque
Any other details


  • Co2 Incubator
  • Refrigerated centrifuge
  • Deep freezers (-20 °C, -40 °C, -80 °C)
  • Microscope –Inverted
  • Clean room facility for viral vaccine/ antigen production
  • Vitek-2 automated bacterial identification system
  • Inverted fluorescent microscope
  • Nanodrop spectrophotometer
  • Gradient PCR machine
  • Real time PCR machine
  • High speed refrigerated centrifuge
  • Bio Safety Laminar cabinets
  • Automatic tissue strainer
  • Gel documentation system
  • Hot air oven
  • Gradient PCR
  • ELISA reader
  • Horizontal and vertical autoclave
  • Hematological analyzer
  • Biochemical auto analyzer
  • CO2 incubators
  • Microtome
  • Ice flaker


  • Dr. G. Balakrishnan, Professor and Head | gobalg@rediffmail.com
  • Dr. S. Jaisree, Assistant Professor | drjai81@yahoo.com
  • Dr. G. Kalaiselvi, Assistant Professor | kalaiselvigovindan1981@gmail.com
  • Dr. R. Ramya, Assistant Professor | ramyavet@gmail.com
  • Dr. R. Saahithya, Assistant Professor | saahithya.r@gmail.com

Professor and Head,
Central University Laboratory,
Centre for Animal Health Studies,
Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University Madhavaram Milk Colony, Chennai – 600051.
Phone: +91-44-25551581
E-mail: culcahs@tanuvas.org.in