



Mobile Applications

The Directorate of Extension Education, Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University developed farmer-friendly mobile applications in animal husbandry to serve the farmers of Tamil Nadu more efficiently by networking of farmers and VUTRCs, FTCs and KVKs of TANUVAS.

  • Aggregation of livestock extension resource and building a platform to share needy information
  • Development of various institutional arrangements for delivering of information to various stakeholders involved in value chain of livestock produce
  • Evolving a mechanism for dissemination of available information on livestock farming through grass root institutions, farmers and community based organizations to reach the unreached
  • Identifying and evolving a possible mechanism for sustaining the e-extension model

To start with two applications on “TANUVAS Training Calendar” with modules on event creation, voice call, text SMS, adding member, grouping members and hierarchical model and “Cow weight Calculator” with modules on cow weight calculation and feeding chart were developed and the same were hosted for public access. Information about the release of this new technology was disseminated to more than 20,000 farmers through voice SMS. Consequently, there has been a steady increase in the no. of downloads of the applications. Unlike other applications which cater only to fixed logical interpretations at the administrative and user levels, the ‘TANUVAS Training Calendar’ dynamically allows two levels of control at the Centre and Directorate level to register farmers and maintain a farmers database, create centre specific training calendars, register farmers for each programme, address group and specific farmer advisories, send reminders etc.The Mobile App also registers and keeps the database of the farmers. Further, a “TANUVAS Farmers Database Input Sheet” was also developed under Google Forms to register the farmers. As on date the database is having a total of 63,962 farmers