About the Venue
The Tamil Nadu Veterinary and Animal Sciences University, popularly known as ‘TANUVAS’, blossomed as the First Veterinary University of the country on 20.09.1989. The seed for the establishment and growth of TANUVAS was sown as early as 1876, when the Madras Veterinary College was started as an Agricultural School in Chennai to offer diploma and certificate course in the field of Veterinary and Animal Sciences. The institute attained the status of a college on 01.10.1903, and started functioning at Dobbin Hall, Chennai with 20 students admitted for a three-year diploma course called GMVC (Graduate of Madras Veterinary College). TANUVAS right now includes seven Veterinary College and Research Institutes, a College of Food and Dairy Technology, a College of Poultry Production and Management, 12 Research Farms, 15 Laboratories and diagnostic centers, 20 Veterinary University Training and Research Centers, three Farmers’ Training centers, and four Krishi Vigyan Kendras.

The conference venue, Post Graduate Research Institute in Animal Sciences, Kattupakkam (PGRIAS) is situated 40 km south of Chennai city on Grand Southern Trunk Road, Tamil Nadu, India. The institute started as a sheep farm in the year 1957 spread over an area of 616.72 acres has a unique multi-species farm with sheep, goat, dairy, piggery, poultry, rabbits among others. The Institute of Animal Nutrition, Krishi Vigyan Kendra and Agricultural Technology Information Centre are also stationed within the farm campus. The central feed technology unit in the campus formulates over 20 types of feed and is a major producer of livestock feed.
The agro-forestry models, feed supplement manufacturing units, extension training centres in the campus makes it a comprehensive and ideal location filled with varied livestock and animal husbandry activities. Through the ICAR-Network Project on Sheep Improvement and All India Coordinated Research Projects on Pig and Agro-forestry the Institute has a strong link with farmers in the surrounding districts. The Institute acts as an instructional farm to the UG intern students of Constituent Colleges of TANUVAS. This farm also facilitates the conduct of various research activities of PG Students and external funded research schemes.
PGRIAS has excellent air, rail and road connectivity. The airport is located 20 km away and easily accessible via the Grand Southern Trunk Road.
Tentative conference program
Thursday, August 8th
07:30 – 09:00 Registration
09:00 – 10:00 Inaugural function
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break
10:00 – 10:15 Coffee break
19.00 – 20:00 Cultural program followed by Dinner
Friday, August 9th
Forenoon session: Field visit, workshop and training sessions
Afternoon session: Farmers – Scientist interaction followed by Valedictory function
Location on Map